Hope for the Heavy Drinker


Quote by me.

I’m here on the same mountaintop where I got sober over a year ago. The sun is rising, and I can hear the wind whispering in the trees. And here’s what I want to tell anyone who’s losing hope of ever getting sober.

  • I lost hope hundreds of times. On the day that I quit drinking for good, I had no idea that that day was it. It was just another desperate attempt to end a battle that had gone on for far too long.
  • I didn’t have a moment of clarity or a parting of the heavens to let me know that this was the day. (As the author of “Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget” will tell you — epiphanies are cheap. I had had hundreds of epiphanies, but that didn’t stop me from drinking.)
  • ALL I did, the sum total, was to decide I would not drink that day. That was it. And it was a decision that I would repeat over and over again.
  • Giving up is not an option. Life won’t let you, because life loves you. You will be bombarded with signs from the universe to quit drinking. And you will never run out of chances to quit.
  • Thousands of people stop drinking every day. Every single day, lots of people are able to stop drinking. These people are often more hopeless, with worse circumstances, and are farther down the rabbit hole than you are. So why not you? Why not today?
  • You absolutely cannot imagine how much better life will be. Just like you can’t really “remember” physical pain, you can’t remember how amazing it feels to wake up happy to be alive, anxious to start the day, loving what the world might bring you. You will experience days like when you were a kid, without a care in the world.
  • It is so worth it. If you could zoom forward even a few months or a year into sobriety and look back on how far you’ve come, you would quit drinking RIGHT NOW. If you could see the future you — healthy, confident, serene — you would be thrilled to jumpstart the journey NOW.
  • Yes, you will still have problems, but now you can learn from them. You will understand so much more about why things happen and how you can change your relationships for the better. And these problems will eventually fall away. Life will get so much easier.
  • Millions of people want to help you do this. The world is at your feet when it comes to recovery. There are books, bloggers, support groups, AA, SMART Recovery, addiction therapists, new friends, rehabs, vitamin supplements, yoga groups, and angels all at your beck and call. All you have to do is reach out.

From high on the mountain, I give you my hope. Please take it. I don’t need it anymore.


50 thoughts on “Hope for the Heavy Drinker

  1. This post is the testament of all of us that have quit. Sobriety doesn’t take magic, but it’s magical. It doesn’t take a miracle, but it’s miraculous. Thank you for shouting it from your mountain top, I’ll shout it from mine and hopefully the echoes will reach some one who needs to hear it.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. So well said, Karymay! It really is miraculous. And I do hope someone who needs to hear it will. I should add in there that I have the fortitude of a marshmallow, and I still made it to the other side, eventually. I’ve never been a ‘slow and steady wins the race’ type of person, but I had to become one.
      I look forward to reading more echoes from your mountaintop. 💕


  2. I absolutely loved this post. I try, many times a month, to quit “for good,” but I know in my heart I’m just not ready. I KNOW how much better life can be without booze (as I mentioned once, I’d quit for 18 months when living with an addict/alcoholic), but just being able to quit after 1 or 2 is a big step for me. Thanks again for the extra hope today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so welcome! It took me decades of thinking “I really need to cut back” to finally let go of the idea that I would ever be able to drink without losing my health (both mental and physical). I did not ever drink just one or two for very long. Congrats on being able to cut back successfully. Process, not perfection. 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  3. How wonderful. I love this. I will take a little of your hope as I am struggling at 495 days sober – not with not drinking – but with the fall out from the things that drinking covered up. Well done,I’m so pleased for you 🌷x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am more than happy to share. So many people have shared their hope and inspiration with me along the way. I used to think it couldn’t really happen for me though. Glad I didn’t give up. 💕


  4. This post gives so much hope! I told my sister a while back it was when I lost hope is when I knew I was in trouble.
    My addiction left me hopeless.
    When a person becomes hopeless he stop fighting and surrender to the help he needs.
    Awesome post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Vernon! I was hopeless for a long time. It beats you down after a while. But everyone I know really struggled before finally walking away for good, so it seems like just continuing the struggle is necessary to finally go beyond it. And then one day, it’s a little easier, and you’re a little more used to facing life without the drinking.
      This blog world helps a lot, don’t you think? 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful. I think I can feel the breeze from that summit.

    I appreciate the distinction you make between living in problems and yes, having problems, but solving them. I solve problems today. Ones that I never knew how to or never wanted to solve.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Mark. Problems you never wanted to solve … those are the tough ones. I had the problem of drinking, but I didn’t really want to solve it. I wanted to keep drinking without consequences. Great perspective.


  6. There is so much here to love–so much wisdom and truth. Every single one of these things resonates with me. It can be done. People do it every day. You just have to make up your mind not to drink one day…and then the next…and the next… And you do feel like a kid again in the morning–no regrets, no hangovers, just a feeling of “Hello, World! I’m up and at ’em!”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Susan. 💕 I never believed people when they gave me that “one day at a time” reasoning. Now I get that it’s the only way to live regardless. And I do love waking up happy these days. I had forgotten what it was like.


  7. Thank you.. I’ll take two bucketfuls along with some decent nutrition, a good nights sleep and a large dollop of positivity. There may be a mountain to climb but the view is worth it. x

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I read this last week and forgot to say “thanks so much”
    Is a great post and made me remember the night I quit (US election night by chance) was in bed angry at not drinking and switched on CNN and Donald Trump was winning the election!
    It was like the twilight zone.
    I have no idea why that was the day I would quit for sure, but here we are and I am so glad. 265 days in.
    Michelle xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not even close! There are so many people here struggling with this, many (like me) for almost a lifetime. Somehow, none of us can keep promises when it comes to drinking, unless it’s gone for good. Of course, I promised myself that it was gone for good over and over again. But now I just see that all that time spent drinking as preparation for rising up. Almost like doing squats (ha ha). You and I took the advanced class, where you voluntarily lift a lot more weight to get stronger quicker.
      So glad you commented. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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